Sunday, 6 January 2013

The 5:2 diet revisited

Well that's Christmas and New Year out of the way. 

The excesses of the festivities have taken their toll. I'm not going to weigh myself - but I do think a pound or three has re-positioned itself around my body, lots of indulgent foods have been consumed, including a whole box of Thornton's Classics in probably a week (with no help from anyone else) and of course there's been a fair amount of just sitting around, not expending this extra calorific intake.

 Presently I am sitting with a large number of Milka choccie papers on the table in front of me, I'm slouched in front of the tv and I am replete from a large Sunday lunch.

 But tomorrow it will be different.

 I will be returning to my old friend the 'starving day' and repeating that experience again on Wednesday. I might even go for a three day target and fast again on Friday - just to get a New Year kick start and try to lose these extra pounds.

 My main enemy is Pret a Manger, rather too close for comfort in the shopping centre down the road from work. I love their slightly too calorie laden pastries and soups and try to save these as a treat on eating days. Marks and Spencer's deli pies are another evil temptation - their Yorkish Pastries are to die for.

But tomorrow - tomorrow I will probably eat:

Breakfast - a small portion of porridge (made with oatmeal rather than oats) with a very light sprinkling of half spoon suger.
Lunch - slim-a-soup and Boots shapers ginger beer
Dinner - baked potato and tuna followed by Asda frozen berries and fromage fraiche. I might have another slim-a-soup to start with if I have enough calories to play with.
 And in the evening I'll be keeping my brain busy with the usual soaps on tv, maybe some housework and sudoku - anything to keep my mind off food. I'll have a chamomile tea before bed.

 And on Tuesday? Actually I rather enjoy fantasising about what I will eat on an 'eating day' and the fantasy never lives up to expectation - so surprisingly I won't eat that much.

 But I will have a good breakfast!

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